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Monday, December 18, 2017

7 Books I Need To Read Before The End Of The Year

All right, lads and lasses. We are two weeks (!!!!) away from the New Year, and if ya girl wants to complete her Goodreads goal of 50 books, I need to read 7 more books before this year comes to a close. And ya girl wants to reach her goal. I've actually never reached my Goodreads goal before, but by the grace of graphic novels, I'm closer than ever this year, and I gotta cross that finish line.

A book every two days. I can do that. Easy peasy??????

Here are the 7 books I plan to read, selected from the few books I brought to Florida with me and the books that are on my kindle.

I've heard truly marvelous things about this book and its sequel. I've had this book sitting on my shelf since its release and grabbed it on a whim before leaving for vacation. Also, after a writing project for school I've been especially interested in Jack the Ripper, so it seemed like a perfect read to take with me.

This is a book I've been wanting to re-read for quite some time because I wanted a refresher before cracking open the series' newest addition. Plus, I know it will be quick and light and fun. A good time guaranteed. 

3) The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert 

I don't know much about this one, but I feel like I've heard some positive reviews and I have an eARC so, ya know, might as well.

4) A Short History of the Girl Next Door by Jared Reck

Again, I don't know much about this one but it's on my kindle and it is fairly short.

5) The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

This is one of the longer novels on my list, but this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and I got an eARC and I never read it and so I'll be very disappointed in myself if I don't finish this one by the end of the year.

6) Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider

This is really short and sounds cute. Plus, judging by the cover, it's fairly winter-y and it takes place in New York and it sounds like the perfect recipe for a quick, cute contemporary, which we all know I can't get enough of.

7) Rosemarked by Livia Blackburne

Another book I got from NetGalley and have yet to read (I suck, I know). But after re-reading the summary, it sounds interesting as heck and I can't wait to read it.